Irina Leoncini is a goldsmith: she observes and abstracts the lines and forms of nature. She translates the Tuscan landscape into metal and stones.
Her dream is a strip of land stretching along the English Channel, between Devon and Dorset, the so called Jurassic Coast, an open air reserve of fossil records. Its landslides, cliffs and beaches reveal the history of Earth across 185 million years. It is to this Southern strip of England that Irina Leoncini would like to go: to hunt for ammonites, which are her passion.
As a dream it’s anything but trivial and it’s enough to set foot in her workshop to better understand how rooted it is in her daily life. Irina is a goldsmith, but she’s been passionate about hard stones and fossils since her childhood. It was natural – she says – to combine them with silver, copper or brass; to go in search of them is a part of the job and, we understand, one of the most enjoyable. She goes to antique markets, she walks, she scans the countryside in the surrounding of Gambassi Terme, she visits abandoned quarries, looking for fragments of onyx, jasper and quartz…
Irina knows this land very well and draws inspiration from it. Her work is a continuous process of observation, abstraction of forms and creation: to change is healthy – she says – otherwise the brain blows over and everything becomes repetition. That’s what motivates her to translate the many nuances of the landscape into metal; she fuses, pierces, chisels and hammers the Tuscan countryside, the same nature that those who live here, have before their eyes every day. It is a site-specific work of creation: each jewel reflects or resonates with the curve of a hill, the gurgling of a hypothermic chick, a twisted branch; a dry leaf lends itself to so many variations on the theme that it is never the same and a frame recalls the flow of a stream.
You can find Irina in her lab in Piazza Giuseppe di Vittorio, in front the Terme della Via Francigena, the local therms. Her door is open to those who want to order or buy jewelry and to those who want to get involved in the creation of a customized and unique jewel.
Just come up with an idea, Irina will help you to make it real.